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No Money Week: Never Enough
Posted by Christopher Lyon on Mon, May 30, 2011
"Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless." (Ecclesiastes 5:10)
Does it seem like the whole world is crying about money these days? We're going to spend this next week talking about being broke and being rich and loving money and how worthless money is and why it's a trap and a gift from God. Money is complicated.
We'll listen in to Solomon's financial advice from Ecclesiastes 5. Not only was he extremely wise, David's son was also loaded. He had money and wisdom to burn. So his words should be worth hearing.
His first observation: People with an appetite for money never get full. They never say, "No, I couldn't possibly take another dollar. Where would I put it?" One way that money fails as a life goal, Solomon wrote, is that it doesn't have a finish line. You can never win the race. You can never stop running.
Think: Frankly, lots of students who hear this verse don't believe it. They think they could be satisfied if they just had "x" number of dollars. How much money do you think it would take to make you satisfied with your life? (Warning: trick question.)
Pray: Thank God for revealing to you through His Word that no amount of dollars will ever make a money-lover happy. Ask Him to help you not to love money.
Do: Notice in your real life and media life this week how many conversations have to do with loving and/or desperately needing money.
Hudson Taylor, founder of China Inland Mission, is a missionary whom I admire greatly. One of the most important lessons I took away from reading his biography was his principle on money and his faith in God to provide what he needed when he needed it. So when I accepted the call to serve God as a full-time missionary, I prayed and asked Him if this was how I should approach working for the Lord on a faith based salary. This means that I will work a regular type job somewhere where He sends me, doing something He wants me to do and do it without receiving a regular paycheck--at least earning money in the way we typically earn money in the USA. My "salary" will be 100% faith based. People who are called by God to partner with me in ministry will give money on either a regular basis or a one-time gift. Does this mean I have to rely on man to provide for me? Or does this mean that I still must rely on God to provide for me? Well, I think I'll choose the latter, thank you very much.
I'm fairly sure that I would never make a good salesperson. I don't like trying to convince people they should buy something or invest in something, especially when I, myself, may not be interested in buying or investing in the product I'm trying to sell! I have a fear of being too "pushy" or "needy" or "greedy" or "annoying". I'm very sensitive and I would probably fold if I kept getting "no's" from the people to whom I'm trying to sell. Besides, I'm much more interested in getting to know the person instead of trying to sell to them! Not a good combination, I suppose. What does all of this have to do with money, and me, and this devotional?
I'm fairly sure that I would never make a good salesperson. I don't like trying to convince people they should buy something or invest in something, especially when I, myself, may not be interested in buying or investing in the product I'm trying to sell! I have a fear of being too "pushy" or "needy" or "greedy" or "annoying". I'm very sensitive and I would probably fold if I kept getting "no's" from the people to whom I'm trying to sell. Besides, I'm much more interested in getting to know the person instead of trying to sell to them! Not a good combination, I suppose. What does all of this have to do with money, and me, and this devotional?
This is where I am today: I am a member of Wycliffe Bible Translators planning to serve in Yaoundé, Cameroon, West Central Africa. I will be teaching at Rain Forest International School, a secondary school for grades 7-12. I am currently in the partnership development phase, which means that I am raising support for my service overseas. I am praying to God and trusting Him that He will speak clearly to those who are called to support me financially and they will answer that call and trust in God that He will provide the funds for them to support me. My goal is to have 100% of my budget pledged plus money for start-up costs, including money for airfare, which could be $2000-$3000, all by the first of July. That's just 4 weeks! This seems like a daunting task and it is! I most certainly can't do it on my own, in my own strength, and by myself. And I'm not. God is in charge of this thing. I once heard from some fellow short-term missionaries, "God's will is God's bill." So...will you pray with me that God will call His people to invest in His Kingdom? I'm done talking about money. I don't love money. I love God! And I'm trusting in Him!
Because of His love...
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